Turn Over A New Leaf

Make Your Life

the best life

“Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.”

– Hippocrates

Blood - Your River of Life

Blood flows through your body carrying nutrients, oxygen and taking away toxins. It is a tissue composed mainly of water with cells suspended in it. Blood flows along a specific pathway through the body There are arteries, veins and capillaries in the body which allow blood to flow to all parts of the body. 

If a person’s artery becomes blocked, an area of the body may not be supplied with oxygen and they can suffer a heart attack or stroke. The pH of the blood must be at optimal levels (pH 7.3 -7.4) or the health of the person may be at risk.

Thus, the nutrition we ingest is vital to maintaining our blood pH and allowing our blood cells to flow freely throug h our body, performing their function at the optimum level. When our blood cells can’t flow freely, or they ‘clump’ together, this is when a person is likely to experience dis-ease within their blood.

Look after your blood, so your blood can look after you!

“Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel.”

– Kevin Trudeau

Healthy inside & out

As is often said, our foods should be our medicines; this would include correct food selection and, of course, the elimination of harmful foods and substances, especially those highly refined foods that have little or no nutritional value. When you eat a diet of 80% foods and 20% acidic foods, your body will start to function at its optimum level. 

These most amazing gifts we call our physical bodies have exact and specific nutritional requirements and it is our duty to ourselves to find these exact requirements for our individual bodies. Life is energy. It moves graciously through our body by means set up specifically for that very purpose. Its required fuels are also quite specific and when we introduce foreign substances, this is enough to throw out these delicate balances. There are so many diets, food resumes and articles about health these days. How do we know if any of them really work? Each body is different and there is no perfect food plan to suit everyone. So it is wise to seek professional guidance when embarking on a new eating plan.